Lauren & Simon, Manchester Hall


Wedding ceremony and reception at Manchester Hall.

We’re thrilled to finally share Lauren & Simon’s big day with you! A year later than planned, this was an emotional day for many - I think everyone had been waiting a long time to get to this point and it was a huge relief for some that were feeling it might never have happened.

It was lovely to get to know Lauren & Simon’s family - everyone was extremely warm and welcoming. We couldn’t help notice how supportive Simon’s brothers were in particular, giving him comforting gestures at the start of the wedding ceremony. 

It was also really sweet to see the family all come together after the ceremony - all their hugs were infectious in power and feeling.

For couple shots, we made good use of the roof-top terrace where you can capture some unique and dramatic views of the Manchester city skyline. Then later after the speeches, we took a short walk to explore the bustling avenues and scenic gardens around Spinningfields and Left Bank. There was a point that I will always remember where the patrons of The Oast House erupted into cheer and celebration as we walked the couple past, making Lauren and Simon feel like real celebrities! It was very kind gesture and reminded me why we love Manchester and it’s friendly people so much! 

I’m not quite sure what happened when we were setting up the ‘bouquet toss’ photo - it all happened a bit quickly and looked at one point that it could have turned nasty as three guests appeared to have caught it at the same time! After a short tussle, it was smiles all round so all good! 

Credit to the amazing DJ from Exceed Events who lit the room beautifully for us and had nearly everyone up dancing at some point. It was great to see everyone let their hair down and have the time of their lives! Parties are defiantly back on!

We thoroughly enjoyed covering your wedding Lauren & Simon. Thank you for asking us to cover your special day and I hope we’ve captured many special moments throughout the day that you will enjoy for decades to come!

Wishing you all the very best - Louise & Ed

View more weddings photographed in Manchester after this one!